I want to thank all of you, from my new fellow dreamers to my long time blogging dreamy friends, who visit here. I know there is so many other blogs out there, it means a lot that you come and spend time with me here. Sending my love to all of you:
As February, the love month winds down, I want to share a wonderful movie I saw last night. I subscribe to Warner Archive Instant. They have a variety of great old movies, for ten dollars a month you can't go wrong.
My Reputation (1946) starring Barbara Stanwyck and George Brent.

Barbara is Jessica Drummond, Jess to her friends. She is a recent widow of two teen boys. Her whole life has revolved around her family and her demanding mother. She is beginning to resent all the restrictions placed upon her while grieving her husband. Her best friend, played by the wonderful Eve Arden, encourages Jess to go with her on a trip to Lake Tahoe. She goes and begins to heal. There she meets Major Scott Landis played by George Brent. The Major is a man who lives by his own rules and makes it his business to help Jess to open up.
What happens next? My friends, you have to watch and see for yourself what happens. It's one of those great old time romantic dramas that will have you cheering and feeling all mushy inside.
Barbara Stanwyck is wonderful in this. She is a great actress and has been a favorite of mine since I was a kid. She gives a luminous and vulnerable performance. You feel her as Jess. George Brent is one of those great romantic leading men who I feel has been forgotten today. Whenever I see his name in a movie, I know I'm in for a treat. He was Bette Davis' favorite leading man. I agree with her, George can do it all. He can be suave, sexy, strong and sensitive when need be.
I can go and on. Here's a trailer I found on you tube for My Reputation. Enjoy my friends.
Shell, congratulations!
And I love that, in the Chaldean Hebrew-Kabbalah System of Numerology, the Number Six (6) represents Love, Money and Creativity and is Astrologically linked to Taurus, Libra and Venus, and can also be connected to Aquarius, as well.
May the Divine Great Mystery Lovingly and Lavishly Bless you with six more years (at least) of Love, Money, Creativity, via your blog, or any other avenue, channel and point that Blesses you and yours with Peace, Health and Plenty.
Congrats Shell on six years!! BTW, I also adore Barbara Stanwcyk. I will have to check out that movie. I have to say one of my favs is "Christmas in Connecticut" I look forward to it every holiday season.
Congrats on your six years. That is quite a milestone.
Congratulations on 6 years that is fabulous! Your blog is a beautiful place and I love visiting it. Love people who blog simply for the joy of blogging and making friends with similar interests. I love all of your classic movie suggestions. Older films relax me so much and take me to a different time!
Congratulations on 6 years! I like dreaming with you at this special place you have created online. Thank you for the magic and beautiful sharing you do!
Sending you a sprinkle of stardust*~*~*~*~*~*~*
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