Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Summer Sky

To see the Summer Sky
Is Poetry, though never in a Book it lie-
True Poems flee -

Emily Dickinson



Laurel said...

Hi Beautiful! How are you my old Friend?

Tracy said...

Ah, summer... We've been sipping it slowly here, and really enjoying sunshine & warmth. :o) Happy Summer Days, Shell ((HUGS)) ** P.S. Now posting from my NEW place in blogland:

Mad Madam Mel said...

thank you so much for inviting me :)

I am so pleased you managed to pop by and visit with me earlier !!

Mad Madam Mel xx

17th Blogversary

My sweet little blog is 17 years old today!! My mind is totally blown with this. I want to thank all of my subscribers past and present. I a...