Saturday, September 15, 2012

New Moon wishes

Happy New Moon, my friends.

It is the new moon in Virgo.
Earthy, sensual and practical energy is
flowing around us.

Some people believe wishes are frivolous things,
I feel a wish filled with heart is packed
with powerful energy.

What do wish for?
Make it good and this time how
about a wish for you. No one else
this time.

I'll share my wish with all of you.
My wish is to eat healthier and feel
more energized. (Which I've already
started now for a week.)

If you like to share your wish with me
in the comments, please do. I love
to read them.

Have a wonderful and wish filled
weekend, everyone.



Victoria said...

Beautiful the wish poetic and pink! Yay..shine on..wishing you blessings in your new wishes..I wish the same for you!
Happy New Moon!

Tracy said...

Happy New Moon, Shell! Wishing you all the best on your new health-living path. This New Moon I'm seeking strength & rejuvenation...October is going to be a busy month...LOL! Happy Days ((HUGS))

Brown and Friends