Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Merry Magical May

Happy May 1st: May Day. Some people call this time
Beltane. When the boundaries between our
world and the world of the Faeries are thin.

It is a time of beauty where Mama Earth is
vibrant in all her glory. The flowers growing
in all colors, the bees buzzing and the urge
to bask in the lingering hours of sunlight
come upon us. Good old Spring Fever.

Perhaps you don't believe in Faeries? You
can't deny the loveliness of May and how
your senses seem to open up more with Spring.

How can you celebrate this beautiful time:

Go out and be in nature.

Make a commitment
to spend more time outdoors this spring.

Make a promise to recycle more.

Decorate your home with flowers.(Real or Fake.)
I love decorating my altar with fake flowers.

Burn candles in beautiful colors that
remind you of spring.

Throw out the old clothes and makeup.
Splurge on beautiful things to wear.

As you go through your day. Say to
yourself "I am beautiful." We are
all beautiful expressions of our

Wishing you a beautiful May Day.
If you happen to hear beautiful music
calling to you. It could be the Faeries.
Sometimes you have to believe before
you see.



Denise said...

Oooo enchanting post.May is also good for dancing in the wind :)

Sarah said...

Happy May to you too Shell. Funnily enough I had a long walk on sunday and then a lovely bike ride yesterday. Today it will be another walk or ride, depending on if it is raining or not!

Tracy said...

Happy month of May, Shell! I love this time of year...and dancing with the faeries! :o) A delight to be back after some travels and visit here. Happy Weekend ahead. ((HUGS))

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