Friday, July 15, 2011

Capricorn Full Moon

A big thank you for all your love and well wishes
about my pregnancy. It made my heart glow reading
all your comments and advice. Every day is a marvel watching
my tummy getting bigger. I talk to baby daily. I
can feel the first stirrings of baby inside of me.
This is one of the most thrilling times of my life.

It is way past midnight. I'm sitting in my living room
with only the computer light and two beautiful candles
burning. Doing my best to wait for Lady Moon to come
gliding near my window. I am a bit sleepy. She often comes
around in the wee early hours of the morning.

Tonight is the Full Moon in Capricorn. For all my
Capricorn Babies out there who have the sun and moon
in Capricorn, this is your moon. For the rest of us,
we can still enjoy this lovely Middle of Summer Moon.

Capricorn is an Earth sign. Anything that has to do
with Earth can be celebrated on this Full Moon.
You can celebrate flowers, herbs, garden, your body,
money/prosperity, business and food.

Here are some things you can do
to celebrate this Earthy Full Moon:

Have a lavish feast to celebrate the prosperity
of food you have in your life.

Use extra money you have to bless your
favorite charities or pet projects. (When we
spend our money, we show that we believe in
our good fortune and more will come to us.)

Dress in lovely shades of green, gold and brown
that make you smile.

Visit your favorite garden or green place.

Instead of doing a rigid workout regiment,
explore other ways to flow with your body.
Investigate belly dancing, tai chi, african
dance, tango, burlesque dancing. So many ways
you can move your body and have fun too.

These are my suggestions. Remember
whatever you do on your Full Moon, make
it nourishing and happy for yourself.

I'm wishing you all a wonderful Full Moon
in Capricorn. Remember the energy of the Full Moon
sticks around for another day. You can still
enjoy all that radiance on Saturday.



Sarah said...

Congratulations Shell! x

Cindy said...

I can tell how happy you are and I am so excited for you. have a wonderful weekend. hugs.

Suzie Ridler said...

You are such a spiritual teacher and guide! I personally am working with root chakra issues so the Capricorn moon is perfect timing to ask for financial help.

Many blessings to you and your little one on this full moon!

Rebecca Nelson said...

You are an awesome writer.. beautiful...


Conversations with the Muses said...

Oh My goodness Shell... congratulations!! I am so happy for you and your man. I just checked into your blog and read the news. Just think who your guest of honor will be at next years tea party!!
Lots of blessings to you... but then again you already are!

NanE said...

Congratulations on your little blessing and thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such a sweet comment!

koralee said...

Wow...congratulations to you!!! What joy is on your way. xoxo

A Miraculous Meliss said...

Congratulations! What a happy time! I only have one piece of advice.....don't combine Christmas and Birthday stuff. My hubby is born on Christmas day and always felt like he got the shaft (and honestly, he did). Enjoy this precious time in your journey.

Star Wars rocks!

Also, I must say I saw your tea party below (what a beautiful time it seemed) and what a sport for your man to have tea with stuff animals! Isn't it wonderful to have a good man who will go along with our artistic whims? :)

Thanks for your La-boratory love. It's wonderful to meet you!


Carousel Dreams said...

Dearest Shell, thankyou so much for your support at my blog this truly means so much to me...and when I came here and saw your news, I was soooo happy! Congratulations - a new baby! You must be over the Capricorn Moon...hee hee xxx

Tracy said...

Hi, Shell! I'm a Capricorn baby... we were in London on the Full Moon, having a grand time celebrating my Moon and hubby's birthday too! :o) ((HUGS))

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