Friday, January 15, 2010

New Moon in Capricorn

Happy Friday. This is the first new moon of
2010. This moon is in Capricorn.

For all the Capricorns out there, this is
your new moon. For the rest of us we
can still use the energy of this earthy
moon for our benefit.

Spend the weekend;

* Rework your resume, website, blog.

* Clean out your pantry and restock
with healthy and life affirming foods.

* Go through your resolutions and goals
for 2010. Weed out any which aren't
aligned with who you are right now.

* Make a schedule to have weekly or monthly
goals to get you closer to your dreams.

* Throw out any old makeup, ratty underwear,

Now, go and enjoy this New Moon.
Remember to be grateful for all the
good in your life. What has happened
to our sisters and brothers in Haiti, is a
tragic reminder how our lives can change
in an instant.



Laurel said...

Thanks - these are all good tasks! Thanks for reminding me- especially about the ratty underwear! Ahahahaha!
Have a blessing filled weekend Sweet Michelle.

GlorV1 said...

Oh thanks Shell. I did throw out some ratty underwear the other day. hehehe. My pantry definitely needs cleaning and my journal needs updates and I am praying for the people in Haiti. Thank you. Have a great weekend.


just dropping by to say hello - with light and love - jenean

mademoisellechitchat said...

Great header, Shell! Happy 2010!

Anonymous said...

Very good suggestions!

I've already done some of those things. I forgot it was in Capricorn. I am happy that Jupiter is entering Pisces today, too (good for us creative types.)

Hope you had a lovely weekend,

Tracy said...

LOVE this, Shell... I'm a Capricorn, and I did get to doing some of those very things this past weekend. Although, I missed the underwear portion... will have to check that later! LOL! ;o) Happy Week ((HUGS))

Cindy said...

Hi Shell, I left you an award on my blog today, please come have a look. hope you are well take care. thanks for the list.

♥ Cara Mia ♥ said...

i'm an aries but i think subconsciously i picked up on that energy and have been moving closer to my goals and cleaning house. :) still have to do the makeup drawer though!
hope you are having a fabulous new year so far. thanks for keeping in touch!
cara mia

Earth Angel said...

Thanks for this, my Aquarian astrological "neighbor." :-> The Cap new moon fell *on* my birthday this year. Too cool. Happy belated birthday!

Wordless Wednesday: Crystals charging