Saturday, November 7, 2009

Wild Nights, Wild Nights

I was feeling spontaneous and wanted to do a video. Hope you enjoy my interpretation of Wild Nights, Wild Nights by Emily Dickinson. This is one of my favorite poems by Emily. Enjoy



Tristan Robin said...


(is the broom on your wall for sweepin', jumpin' or magickin'?)

GlorV1 said...

Very very nice Shell. I wonder what she mean by "Wild Nights." Makes you wonder.:D
Have a great Sunday.

Tracy said...

Wonderful, Shell! :o) One of my favorite poems and writers, you know... Happy weekend ((HUGS))

Keith said...

Hey there. Nice post. Happy Sunday. Hope you've been enjoying the weekend. Take care. Have a great week ahead. Cheers!

Laurel said...

That was very cool- I watched it thre times!

Javajune said...

I loved seeing you in action! Love your dramatic voice. Excellent job- I had to watch it a second time.

Elisa Day said...

Love this! Thank you for sharing. I love your voice

Se'lah said...

great Shell. So nice to see you performing.


Ana Márquez said...

Rowing in Eden!
Ah! the sea!


You are truly pretty :-)
A kiss from Spain

A Whimsical Girl Named Debbie said...

Happy Monday, Shell! Hope you had a lovely weekend. Thank you for stopping by GirlWhimsy, sweetie. One of my favorite poems, too!

Anonymous said...

I am liking this you and I am knowing Emily Dickinson's words, so was easy to lip-read you (even with an American accent....yes?. I am thinking, you have very expressive eyes too.

Anonymous said...

Loved it! You know I am a big fan of Emily!

christina said...

Hi beautiful!
This is one of my favorites. So glad to hear you recite it.

Lady Prism said...

clap! clap! clap! That was so dramatic!! Very nice!

How I long for wild nights, ha!ha!

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