Monday, November 23, 2009

La Baker

I saw this video of the beautiful and legendary
Josephine Baker and knew I had to share this.
Here is some glam for all of you on a Monday.
This is from her movie Zou Zou (1934).
Now, I want to get more of her music.
She had a beautiful voice! Enjoy



Kalei's Best Friend said...

and w/out a doubt, a whole lot of class.

Laurel said...

What a wonderful woman. Inspiring with such glamour, such deep beauty. So cool!
I also adore your new pic-meant to comment on it the other day. I feel like I can really see who you are in it. A lovely, warm sweet soul searching sister.
Love and a warm hug to you.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, a beautiful woman ahead of her time. She was so glamorous & talented.... I really don't think the world was ready for her yet!!
I really love your blog as it goes into the entertainment world & so different from others!!
Great Post!
Happy Thanksgiving!!

Tracy said...

What a voice!! What a woman--very inspiring! I wish I could sing--LOL! Always enjoy the rich variety of things you share here, Shell--it's all beautiful, like you! :o) Happy Days ((HUGS)) Oh, thanks so much for joining in on my gift giveaway--so great to see you there!

Tristan Robin said...

What timing! I'm in the process of reading her (seemingly never ending) biography, "Josephine" right now! She was quite the character. Surprisingly, for a woman who is sooooo famous, very few really know what her voice was like. I remembered hearing it years ago, and recalled the tight vibrato - but I couldn't really remember what it sounded like. Thanks for the reminder! She was fab!

Javajune said...

Really cool video, so glamorous.
Have a truly wonderful Thanksgiving Day!

Relyn Lawson said...

Oh, I do love Josephine Baker. I find her to be so beautiful and so inspiring in her grace and glamor. Thanks so much for sharing this clip.

Wordless Wednesday: Crystals charging