Saturday, October 31, 2009

A special night

"The night has a special magic to it don’t you think? This night especially. Halloween. In the old religion, they call it Samhain. The night when the walls between the worlds grew thin and spirits of the underworld walk the earth. A night of masques and bellfires, where anything is possible and nothing is quite as it" from Masques episode of Beauty and
The Beast, Season 1.

It is a special night indeed. Today I did my daily Tarot card for the day from my beloved Tarot of The Magical Forest. Look, who popped up. My old friend The Magician which I lovingly call the Magi.

What does The Magi say? The Magi says to go out, have fun and see the magical in the mundane. We all have our special brand of magic within. Tonight use a bit of the faerie dust and moonlight that runs through us all.

Whether your taking your children trick or treating, going to a Halloween party, staying in to watch movies or just want to enjoy a Saturday night, remember add a touch of whimsy and sparkle to your night.

If you celebrate the day to honor your ancestors, have fun too. Put on a favorite song your loved one use to listen to or watch their favorite movies. Or light a candle and say a prayer for those who have crossed over.

I'm wishing you all a magical and safe Halloween.

Thank you for all who love Beauty and The Beast as much as I do. Here
is another B&B video in honor of Halloween. It also includes Ron Perlman
reading sonnet 29. Enjoy.



Anonymous said...

Happy Halloween Shell!
I love the Tarot card you pulled ~ that is one of the best Magician cards I have seen.
It has been a rainy day here ~ I am not going out tonight, but that's ok. I like a quiet Halloween. I just may watch The Ghost and Mrs. Muir. I love the review you did. I thought Gene Tierney was just gorgeous.
Shell, I really hope you continue to do movie reviews of all types! I love those posts ~ can you tell I am a movie nut!

Kiki said...

Happy Halloween Shell! :) Great card for this magical night!

Sarah said...

Happy Halloween to you Shell!

Tristan Robin said...

Hope you had a lovely evening!

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