Thursday, May 7, 2009


On Sunday, I worked as a reader for a feature film. I read lines for the actor to respond to as they auditioned for their callbacks. I had a great time doing this. Even got a small part for myself in the film. (Score one for Shell!)

What I noticed so clearly, the actors who got the parts were the ones who were in flow. They listened to the lines. They responded naturally while being connected to the material and themselves. The less out of touch with themselves, the more unconvincing their audition was. The director pronounced some of them truly horrible actors. I didn't think so. Yes, their audition was bad. I don't feel they were bad actors, just not connected with their emotions.

I've been experimenting on how be more open and in touch with my own feelings. I am expressive with my feelings by nature, I know I can go further. Like everyone when things get rough, I have a tendency to shut down. My life since my birthday has been a whirlwind. It's been a challenge to keep truthful with my own emotions and thoughts. I've noticed the more honest I am in my own life, it reverberates in my work. I wondered what things were the actors not doing in their personal lives that made their work stilted or uninspired?

My acting teacher, Hope, use to say acting problems are human problems. She is so right. I leave this with all of you. In your creative life, if things aren't flowing, look to what is out of sync in your personal life. By solving a issue or challenge in your personal life, your creative life will flourish. Our lives feed our creativity.

As always, Sweet Dreams to you all.


Anonymous said...

so inspiring...and congrats on that part!

maritessb said...

sorry my friend I haven't been reading. but this piece i happen to run into is beautiful and like previous post... verying inspiring. connection is the key to anything. when you feel it your best work comes out. and sometimes you try and try and maybe it wasn't just meant to be :). it'll just happen someday on its own.

Sarah said...

That's interesting and inspiring Shell. At work particularly I notice this-I plan what I am going to do but if I don't allow myself to be fully there in the moment with the children then I don't do it well. I think I do well particularly when I am having real fun as me as well as just teaching.
Glad you had fun with this and well done too!
Sarah x

Anonymous said...

I have to say I agree 100 and 10 percent with you. You were exactly right and you said it so well. I find that days I'm in tune with myself great things happen and days when I'm off nothing works. When you feel it-you own it!
Congrats on the part- how exciting! Can you say what movie? I can't wait to see you in it!

natasha said...

Ooh congratulations on the part, that's so exciting! Thanks for an interesting read! :)

Genie Sea said...

Congrats on the part!

What an interesting and thought-provoking look into the audition process. Flow and being in touch with ones feelings... so true. One blockage and the whole thing just stumbles. Thank you Shell! :)

Tracy said...

"acting problems are human problems"...very true, oh my, yes! I'm no actor, but I see how that makes sense. But congratulations on that part--hooray! :o) What film?! When?! hehehe... This was a very inspiring and uplifting post, Shell...Like yourself, I am trying more and more to be in tune with the truth of myself and to let it not be my own, but like a gift to be shared with other. Wishing you well and happy on the path. Happy weekend ahead ((HUGS))

GlorV1 said...

Congrats on the part. I really enjoyed reading this post. It is oh so true. When things aren't in sync, we just aren't ourselves. Thanks for the wonderful post. I will remember these wise words.

tea time and roses said...

Hello Shell!

You are so inspiring my friend! Thank you so much for this beautiful post, and a Big Congratulations on your reading and your exciting! :o) A beautiful post indeed!



♥ Cara Mia ♥ said...

thanks shell, have a great weekend too! this is a great post by the way, very true. congrats on the part!

issye margaretha kamal said...

wow . it's really inspiring . love to read it .

*hope we can be friends .

gma said...

For me taking time to clear my mind,let go and just breathe helps me get in tune. I come back and seem to trust myself more.
So very proud of you for getting the part Shell.

Cheryl Lynn Pastor Romance Author said...

Truer words were never spoken, my dear. Your personal life really does spill over into your creative life. I have been so stressed in my personal life that my creativity has suffered and I find myself really out of balance. I'm slowly but surely getting back to myself and I must say, blogging has been a big help. Inspiring blogs like yours have helped me to set my creative priorities.

Thanks for your lovely blog and congratulations on your accomplishment with your part in the movie!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on getting a part and I think you are so right. A persons life really does reflect in their creativity. I'm trying to balance out my life and am finding it hard with everything going on, once finals are over I'm going to take some time to get in touch with myself.
Great Post!

Gossamer Creations said...

Wow !!!!!!! Great post. My creativity is not flowing at all right now and that is unusual for me. I will have to take a little look around at things. Congrats on the part. Have a wonderful weekend.

Ashley Inzer said...

wonderful post! Thank you so much for the inspiration.

MJ said...

Thanks for popping by my blog! I came over to read your haikus (& I really enjoyed them, especially the freedom of swimming with dolphins!) but had to respond to this post!

I found your observations interesting about who did/not get roles based on their auditions. I did theater in high school (oh, so long ago!) and recall not knowing how to act. This post would have helped me so much!

I plan on posting soon about some of my journey re: personal life/readings and the balance in life. Your post reminded me of this important theme! Thanks!

Happy Birthday David

  "Having all that - the fame and adulation and the women and all that stuff they talk about - doesn't make you happy. You have to ...