Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Poetry Revolution

How is everyone doing? Hoping your week is full of adventure and creativity. Thank you all for the love on the word pool idea. Big cheer to Gloria who wrote some cool poetry on her blog. If you are writing some poetry on your blog, please share. I love to read it. I'm ready to start this Poetry Revolution.

I'm back with more poetry from my word pool from Monday. Here is my word pool:
Dangerous, Ocean, Muse, Bloom, Coy, Dillydally, Enigma, Gossamer, Haunt, Icy, Love, Madly, Naughty, Vintage, Phoenix, Explore, Carousel, Melody, Wandering, Pool

This time I'm going to italicize the words I used from the word pool to show which words I used. Here are three more poems for you. Yes, one poem is dedicated to Shemar Moore. I had this beautiful dream about him last night! Oh,Shemar!!

My heart is now
Being reborn as
A beautiful Phoenix
icy anger melting away
haunting grief subsiding
One day my heart
Will bloom again
Ready to love

"Shemar Dream"
Shemar and I
On the boardwalk
He held my hand
And madly kissed me
Again and again
We walked to the ocean
To wait to see the sunset
Our love bloomed
Till I awoke
Feeling his kisses
Still dangerously real…

"Down The Way"
I dillydallied
Down the way
Where the dandelions
Are in bloom
Where only on Wednesdays
they sing
Their melody
To the sun
For those who wander through

Here is one more poem. Sudden Light by Dante Gabriel Rossetti being read by me. Yes, I should have tidy up my bedroom a bit and you hear my cat, Mabel at the end. She came in, alas I couldn't get her on camera. I did this small video on the spur of the moment just now. Enjoy

As always, Sweet Dreams to you all.


Tristan Robin said...

I just love your video posts!

Your poems were very interesting - I like your word pool technique. Is there some kind of special chant you have to do before going to sleep to dream of Shemar?

Do you get Verse Daily? This was a very nice poem today - poignant. It's titled "Shell" ... and though it doesn't necessarily remind me of you, I thought you would like it.


Broken conch whitened and drilled with tiny holes
resembling a computer printout, crenelations softened
to multiple breasts with recessed nipples. Inside: a cone
circling secrets filled with grit, cyclone funnel,
witchlike, hill of warrior ants.

What lived here was soft and exudant, irresistible. It swam
penetrating clamshells and sucking. Its glutinous foot
clung fast. The boatman ripped with a curved hook
and we chopped it rubbery with onion, peppers, and spices.

Tomb of my hand. Witness of the old kiss of the sea
that mouths salt air forever trusting the ocean's persistent caress
to round and pearl its wound, to cast it artlessly
for someone like me to discover.

What use is a broken shell? Collectors prefer perfection,
dreamers admire the polish of souvenirs, and children
want everything to be total.

Altered nation. Ruined colony worn to a white nub.
Markings no one now living can comprehend.
Calcified heart, boat stranded, its ribs strumming the wind,
a skull planted on the flag of night.

Battered moon.
Abused sea-wife.
Lonely one.

Copyright © 2009 Joan Colby All rights reserved
from Gargoyle
Reprinted by Verse Daily® with permission

Judy Hartman said...

Love this, Shell!
I'd say you must be a wonderful actress!!

GlorV1 said...

Shell, that video was totally awesome. I loved it and the rest of the poetry. Thanks so much. I also wanted to say, why don't you do some "Slam Poetry," have your heard of that. We have Slam on Rye over here where the poets get up on stage and recite their words in the format they wish to do. It is such a great experience. I can see you doing that. You'd probably win. Yay, go Shell!! :))

Poetic Dreams said...

Love the poetry. Are ya getting the words from a specific place? Is everyone supposed to participate? I like to write poetry.Wishing ya a beautiful night hun. Big Hugs~

Genie Sea said...

You read the poem beautifully with the sunlight shining on your face! Lovely :)

Shemar dreams... cannot get any better than that! :) teehee It certainly would inspire a poem or two in me as well :)

Sheryl Parsons said...

Beautifully done! Your poetry is uplifting and sweet. I'm glad to have stumbled upon your blog!

Wordless Wednesday: Crystals charging