Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April is Poetry Month.

I love this picture of James Dean and Marilyn Monroe. It is called Flutesong. There is a romantic dreaminess which speaks directly to me. It's by an artist named Paul Gassenheimer. James Dean was one of my heroes when I was a teen. Part of the reason that I studied Method acting is because of him.

Guess what? April is Poetry Month!! You all know my love of Poetry. All this month, I'm going to share some of my own poetry and more of my favorite poets. As well, as trying to do two videoposts of poetry this month.(Yes, I am being ambitious.) If it's been eons since you read poetry. Take time this month to search out poetry. You can explore online to places like or go to your local library.

Here is a small list of my favorite poets off the top of my head: Nikki Giovanni, Basho, Shakespeare, Langston Hughes, Pablo Neruda, Sappho, H.D., Emily Dickinson, Maya Angelou, Pearl Cleage, Phillis Wheatley, Walt Whitman.

When I write poetry, I prefer the freedom of free verse. As I said before, I'm committed to writing a poem a day for the whole of 2009. Here are two of my poems I wrote this week.

Sean lives
He is
the sky
the clouds
the moon
the bluebird's song

Beaten and battered
Am I
He lifts me
He makes me
And heals my heart
He is
My treasured Knight

If there are some closet poets out there, I do encourage you to share your poetry on your own blogs. I believe there is the touch of the poet in all of us. If your shy, I can even put it on my blog along with some of my other poems. (Of course, link it back to your blog) There is solidarity in numbers. Just as we need food to live, we need art to feed our souls! Poetry is an art form that feeds my soul very well.

As always, Sweet Dreams to you all.


Her Speak said...

The poems are beautiful, Shell. Truly heartfelt and inspired. :)
Much Joy~*

Anonymous said...

I love to read and sometimes write poetry.There is so much meaning between the lines of a poem- I love that. Your poems are beautifully written. Thanks for the poetry month reminder-I had forgotten.

GlorV1 said...

Poetry is always good for the soul. Those two you wrote were well written. James Dean and MM were and always will be my favorites. They both left this world too young. Thx for sharing and have a great evening.

Cheryl Lynn Pastor said...

Both poems are absolutely beautiful. I'm a few days behind, but I do plan to write some poems this month.

I will post some that I've written already on my other blog, Write1Publications this month. I've been re-exploring my own work from years past and I'm enjoying my trip down my path of past creativity.

Love your creative soul.

Wordless Wednesday: Unicorns are everywhere