Saturday, March 7, 2009

A beautiful day and awards

It was a beautiful day in city. The sun shining and the smell of Spring in the air. I met up Ali with at B&N at Union Square.

Union Square is one of my favorite places in Manhattan. For me it's the point when the hustle and straight laced vibe of midtown melts into the funky bohemian feeling of lower Manhattan. Ali and I went on walking tour. I love walking tours and this one was free! (Even better.) It was a tour of Union Square. As much as I love the place, I know little about it's history. The tour was good and I got to learn a lot about one of my favorite spots in the city. I wanted to share pictures I took today. Please be aware, I'm still learning the ways of taking good photos.

I saw this beautiful door of a townhouse around 8th avenue. I imagine if you went inside you would be greeted by a gracious lady. She invite you in for tea and scones with clotted cream. (I do love clotted cream.)

This was taken in Barnes and Nobles. When I looked up from reading, who was there was my new friend Emily Dickinson. I had to take this shot.

This is the house of the author Washington Irving; It's on the street named after him called Irving Place. I especially love the window.

And now,..drumroll please. I was gifted with this lovely Tripleblog award from Beverly. Thank you Beverly. I'm trying to get better about passing blog awards on.

Here are the rules:
1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate 10 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude.(If you don't have 10, its OK.)3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.

It's really hard to pick. So I'm going to use my Jedi skills to help me pick. Here goes..( Yes, I did say Jedi skills!!)I'm going to choose five. Three of them are new blog friends that I met in the past month.

Jess of Pecanoot
Joelle of Joelle Dolce Bebe
Nicole of A little Mouse Said...
Poetic Dreams of Lil Love Creations
Jennlui of A Trinket Treasure

If you don't know these bloggers, go on over and check them out. Tell them Shell said you. Before I go, I wanted to say a big hi and hug to some of my new fellow Dreamers! I'm up to 28 "official" dreamers. I'm seriously blown away by that number. I know there are more out there who come by and not on the official list. Whichever way you come to Swanofdreamers, I'm happy you come here! All of a good heart and boundless imagination are welcomed. Please if you have been lurking for a bit, come and say hi. I love to hear from you.

As always, Sweet Dreams to you all.


Tristan Robin said...

Union Square is wonderful - when I used to live downtown in the West Village, we used to have Sunday brunch on Union Square at a place called The Pink Elephant (long gone now) which had THE best omelettes in the history of the world!

Anonymous said...

wow three awards??? thats amazing! congrats on that, my dear. i am currently in a love affair with that townhouse too! the photos look lovely, and make me want to be there now!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your award and thank you for passing it on! Your blog is such a joy to read.
Have a great weekend!

gma said...

Hi Shell,
Manhattan is a fantastic place.
I went to Union Square years ago. Love the old buildings. I want to learn more about photography too.
Thanks much for the well wishes.
Have a beautiful week!

Posh Girl Couture said...

YOU are Beautiful!
I will be back.
Thank You my fairy Godmother! ; ) haha
Its means the world to me ~ All your kind words!
talk real soon... gota pick up someone & rushing....
kisses & hugs!
Joelle XOXO

Poetic Dreams said...

Hiya Sweetie,
Thank you for my very FIRST Award! I was quite surprised and delighted.

I adore those types of windows. Makes for a good reading spot. Many daydreams,and even enjoying the passerbys.

Looks like ya had a wonderful day. Can't wait to pass on my award. I'll learn that really quick. lol I also added it to my Blog and it can link back to you hun.

Thanks for making my day sweeter.It has been such a horrible one till now. Biggest Hugs~

Cheryl Lynn Pastor said...

What a lovely day you had. Beautiful shots in areas of one of my favorite cities, Manhattan. Congrats on you award, you certainly deserve it. Your blog is a dream to read.

Much love to you, my dear.

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