Thursday, February 12, 2009

Thursday Love

Two days before Valentine's Day! I am celebrating the day in the spirit of all kinds of love. Celebrating the love of friendship, family and romance. Being a romantic is about how you view the world. Viva Valentine's Day. Please make sure to come by on Valentine's Day, I have a special post planned.

Now, I got a knock on my door. My fab mail lady had a package for me. Tina aka Sweetina sent me the prize I won at her blog giveaway. I am awed by all the creativity and kindness that is here in Blogland. I wish my photo skills are better to show how beautiful the gifts Tina gave me. Here are a few photos. Thank you, Tina!! You are the best.

Tina wrapped her gifts so wonderful. Look at this pretty package with a Hello Kitty tag! I love Hello Kitty.

Here is my Blue bird of Happiness. Which I need right now.

This totally blew me away. If you follow the blog, you know I've talked about wanting to go to Paris. Tina created this Inspirational board for me. Wonderful.

Here is me wearing the red heart necklace from Tina. I redyed my hair. It's a lot brighter than I originally wanted. I know I look sleepy. I stayed up late.

These pictures are just a taste of the beauty and creativity of Tina. Go on over to her blog and say hi.

I've been in a Sentimental Mood. Listen to Ella as you continue reading. My thoughts thinking of the meaning of love and romance. Fitting for this day. I went through my old scrapbooks filled with images from magazines. I found lovely images I wanted to share fitting for the time. I know things are challenging for us all. Now, more than ever we need to dream, create and believe in the power of goodness and love.

This is a perfume ad for the fragrance Jontue from the 80's. I always loved this image.

A beautiful couple on their wedding day. Makes my heart smile. This is from an old Essence Magazine.

This is from my Wedding dress files. Simply gorgeous.

Whew. That was a long post. Hope not to long for all of you. I'll be back tomorrow. As always, Sweet Dreams to you all.

P.S. Don't forget to enter Swanofdreamers' blog birthday giveaway. Click here for details


couragetocreatewriteandlove said...

you look adorable!
i loved that bird!

p.s. heyy! in my google reader. your blog, i mean your recent updates don't appear, i wonder if you need to unclick something in your settings.

Sweetina said...

You are so sweet and i love the photo of you! Your hair looks great! I thought that your definition of being Romantic was perhaps the best i have ever heard~how you view the world! That's it! What a great revelation for a "single" lady like me!
I had always thought it was about couples on Valentine's Day...but just cuz I'm not a couple doesn't mean i cannot envision my world (or parts of it) romantically in terms of beauty,simplicity etc.
You are a wise Friend!
Thanks for the blog post your pics are lovely!

Sweetina said...

oh yes I am having the same problem with the blog settings.
I have placed you in my bloglandia list...maybe i need to reapply your url.

Lisa said...

This is such a "love"ly post. :) I admit to being something of a romantic. I love all the stuff you got from Tina and the necklace looks great on you. Always makes me smile to see you!

Anonymous said...

OK...that was the best surprise! How wonderful. Can't wait to see what you have planned for us on Saturday :) XOXO

Wordless Wednesday: Crystals charging