Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

Among my friends, I'm known as the Romantic one. This day always means a lot to me whether I'm solo or in a couple. I feel Valentine's Day is about Love in all forms. Of course, I'm delighted to be part of Kathryn's Soul Journal Valentine Party.

This Valentine's Day I dedicate to my forever friend Sean. For those who don't follow my blog, My friend Sean passed away unexpectedly in January. It has been for me a deep personal loss in my life. Today, I don't talk about the sadness of his passing. I want to talk about Sean's love and what his life taught me.

Sean was a beautiful person inside and out. He always made sure to let me know how much he loved me and how important I was to him. I always knew I had him come what may. Our bond showed Love has no color.

Love sees with the heart. The only thing that matters is the happiness that is created together.

Always take time for the people you love. Stay close in anyway you can. You never know when this will be the last time.

Love is Eternal. Even if someone dies, the love doesn't end. It lives on...

Love breaks Time and Space. That those who gone before us, will be waiting for us to be reunited. This time will be Forever.

Thank you so much for sharing the day with me and My Prince of Hearts: Sean One last treat for all of you, this captures the eternal feeling of love for me. This the ending of the classic movie: The Ghost and Mrs. Muir from 1947.

Happy Valentine's Day. Sweet Dreams to you all.


Judy Hartman said...

What a beautiful post, Shell.
Happy Valentines Day to you!

gertru said...

Very beautiful!

Kathryn Costa said...

Your movie selection brought me straight back to my childhood. I had forgotten how much loved "The Ghost and Mrs. Muir." I had such a crush on Rex Harrison. That ending brought tears to my eyes - quiet tears that stain the face. Love is a beautiful thing. I focus on the loving memories when I work with grief. I allow myself to fill up with those loving feelings. It helps heal the heart. I think I will have something to journal about later as I think about these tears. What are they telling me? I'll find out. Thanks for sharing - you are a bright star!

{soul hugs}

Jorgelina said...

What a beautiful post!!!
Happy valentine day!

Mary S. Hunt said...

this is a beautifully dedicated tribute full of the love you both shared..soulful love is a powerful 'thing'
your blog is full of wonderful bits of you
pleasure to meet you shell
and what a lovely name!

happy valentines day

gma said...

Dearest Shell
Glad you are able to celebrate Sean's love instead of the sadness of missing him. Much love to you this day and always.

Whisperings 13 said...

Beautiful. May you always be in love with life.

bethbbk said...

Sean must have been some kind of wonderful. I'm sure he can feel your love today. Thanks for sharing the movie clip, which was beautiful. Glad you stopped by my site as well. Hope your Valentine's Day is extra special. Your new friend,

Caryn Lynn said...

Your post was so touching. Thank you for sharing your gift of love. Happy Valentine's Day! XoXo, Caryn

A Bit of Colour said...

Thanks for visiting my post. I love what you done with yours & you have one of my favorite movies of all time: Somewhere In Time! Now that's a lot of love.

Nice to meet you,

Sandy said...

This is perhaps the most heartfelt and beautiful post I have come across today. I love the tribute you paid to your friend. The Ghost and Mrs. Muir is one of my favorite movies! I love all the movie images in your post too. Thanks for sharing your heart today!

Thauna said...

Beautiful memories and thoughts! Happy Valentines Day! I'm so happy I stopped by for a visit. :o)

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful post - Happy Valentines Day!

Shopgirl said...

You are adorable. Thank you for coming by, please come over anytime.
Your Valentine to love is wonderful. All that Romance.
I got flowers, they are beautiful.
I am just a click away,

Lisa said...

A very beautiful tribute to Sean and to love, Shell.

Sarah said...

That is a beautiful post Shell. Happy Valentines day to you too. (bit late sorry!)

Poetic Dreams said...

A Beautiful Tribute to Sean. I think the love ya shared with him will be forever a touch stone for ya hun. I am sorry he is no longer here in person for ya to reach out to. But the memories is what we hold onto now.
I can fully realate to the loss of a deep and true love. Having lost my Mamma (mil) It's a hole that needs filling and I try with the many memories.
Ya know they say we are always surrounded by guardian Angels. Isn't it nice to know their name? Ya have Sean and I have Mamma. I wonder if they've met by now? Wouldn't that be nice!
I'm here if ya want to chat. Biggest Hugs Hun,

Karen Campbell said...

Everything you said was just beautiful, Shell! And I can so identify with the relationship and how special he must have been!

Mrs. Stinky said...

Hi Shell! We met at the Mad tea party. Hope you had a happy Valentine's day.
Heather :)

Carrie said...

beautiful post and thanks for comineg by my blog for the party

Anonymous said...

Hello - better late than never - I really enjoyed your post - love is grand isn't it ....

Dawn said...

What a lovely post... your Sean is very special to you, I'm glad you're able to celebrate your relationship even though your heart is heavy with missing him so.

Thanks for visiting my Blog... I enjoyed my visit here. ;o)

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful dedication to your friend. You're a special person, Shell! xoxo

Mjfontaine said...

This is so heartfelt and warming.

Anonymous said...


'designing your life'

Don said...

This post is a testimony to the love you and Sean shared. You hit home with the sentiment brought forth from my favorite movie of all time - Ghost.

I sure hope 'awaited love' is true.

Wordless Wednesday: Crystals charging