Monday, December 15, 2008

My Video

I just came back from my walk. It is a beautiful day in the big apple. It's going up to sixty!!! Which is insane because on Saturday it was 23 degrees. I'm just going to enjoy the warmth while we have it.

The video I'm sharing today is from the short film The Presence I worked on. It's psychological thriller about a woman who is drifting in and out of reality. I edited it to use for a mini video for my acting. One of my big creative goals this week is to work on creating a reel out of all my latest films. A reel is basically a visual portfolio for actors to show of their work to directors, casting, writers, etc.

I have to tell you it is true: The camera does add 10-15 pounds to you! I did this in early September. I've released more weight since then. Well, now on to the video. Enjoy. Have a beautiful Monday everyone.


Caroline said...

That was interesting... you are a great actress! Keep following your dream, because you have great talent! Thanks for sharing that.

Sarah said...

Hi Shell
Good luck with your portfolio. That was an impressive piece of film. It is interesting to see you 'in person' too. Do you do theatre work too?

reddragonflystudio said...

Thanks for stopping my blog. Good luck on your portfolio. I hope you get lots of wonderful opportunities to share your craft.

Lady Prism said...

You are pretty and have the most charming smile :) Your smile gives a sense of reassurance to the receiver.

This is sooo cool, what you're doing. I'm very very sure lots of great things are in store for you the coming year.

cap! clap! clap

Emily said...

"released more weight" instead of lost.
I love that!
I could use some releasing. . . . gotta think about that for the new year.
thanks for sharing yourself with us.

couragetocreatewriteandlove said...

oh WOW!!!!
super di duper!

Susie said...

That was just great! I loved the video:-)

Unknown said...

Good stuff. I liked it.

Judy Hartman said...

I'm so glad I checked out your blog today and saw this video!! I thought you were wonderful!
Hope your portfolio brings you some great opportunities in the coming year. You definitely are believable on film!!

Anonymous said...

ooo, shell! that was soooo cool! i wish i could see more, more, more!!!

Her Speak said...

Beautiful work! Best of luck building your portfolio! Can't wait to see more. :)

Many Blissings!~*

Laurie said...

Wonderful clip Shell,
Thank you for sharing, I wish you all the best with putting together your portfolio.

Wordless Wednesday: Crystals charging