Monday, December 22, 2008

Dream Thought#7

"In order to be creative we must be vulnerable. We block our creativity when we toughen up. The same hard shell that protects us, keeps us from being open to our own experience. Shutting down to protect ourselves from creative pain, we shut down our creative joy. And so you must draw a sacred circle, a protective ring, around yourself and our fledgling work. Think of yourself as a creative child and your work as creative brain children."- Julia Cameron: The Vein of Gold.


refeathered said...


Thank you for visiting my new blog, and for the warm wishes. Your blog is great, and I will surely be back for many visits.

maritessb said...

so true.. it's so hard to be vulerable. we put up a wall far too long.

Her Speak said...

Exactly! It's easy to toughen up and desensitize ourselves to avoid hurt or failure. We can't be afraid of failure--stay open aware!Beautiful graphic and lovely words! Thank you for sharing.

Hope you are enjoying your holiday preparations!
Much Joy, Many Blissings~*

Maithri said...

Beautifully said...

Just wanted to stop by and wish you and yours a beautiful christmas blessed with hope and peace,

My love to you, Maithri

Suzie Ridler said...

I'm there. I've shut down. I hope I can tap back into my power soon. Beautiful post Shell!

Sarah said...

What an inspiring statement. So true.
Hope you have a lovely and creative Christmas and a very happy new year!
Sarah x

rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...

Very nice. :)

couragetocreatewriteandlove said...

you beautiful creative ACTRESS mermaid you!
Merry Christmas!!!

Caroline said...

Shell, wishing you many wonderful moments and miracels during this holiday! So nice to have meet you through blogging :)

Judy Hartman said...

This is so true. "The Artist's Way" was my first experience reading Julia Cameron. She is so insightful!

AwtemNymf said...

Merry Christmas hun!
Stay warm and safe!

Wordless Wednesday: Crystals charging