Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Kiss of Autumn

I have been reading at other blogs about everyone feeling autumn coming. It's true. I went out walking yesterday on the track. It was actually chilly. I spotted the first few leaves beginning to fall and scattered around their trees. Now, as I watch the sunset, I noticed the colors. They glow in bright reds, yellows and oranges echoing the colors of the autumn leaves. The nights are starting to become longer slowly. I have to admit, my favorite season is Winter. Partly because I'm born during the season. Each the seasons have a beauty to them. I cherish them all. As Autumn grows closer, I wonder on all the great things that this season will bring. I welcome them with open arms.


Judy Hartman said...

What a beautiful post, Shell. You described the feeling of Autumn approaching perfectly. My favorite is Autumn, but I'm with you - all seasons are beautiful in their own way!

lynn said...

I've noticed leaves changing around here already. Summer went by so quickly!
Thanks for stopping by yesterday while touring WI. I love the design and colors of your blog.

Karin @ 6ByHisDesign said...

Thank you for visiting Missouri last week (I'm getting back to all my calls, slowly but surely!)

We aren't seeing fall yet --- well, unseasonably cool weather, but no fancy colors in the trees yet! Usually it's still in the 90's...

Anyway,I enjoyed your list of movies that you are watching! And I appreciated your perspective on keeping your chin up when the mist starts to fall...

Many Blessings,

couragetocreatewriteandlove said...

my favorite season is Autumn and then Spring and yes actually this morning in my way to work, I noticed how dark it was my morning.
But it was ok, Oh yes, I am ready for the fall!!!
Enjoy your day with a big smile.

Suzie Ridler said...

What a beautiful graphic! I love it!

If I embraced winter the way you did I would fall in love with autumn even harder than I do now. This year I am more hesitant, knowing what's coming afterwards but I will try and do my best to keep an open mind to winter this year.

That said, I love the dip in temperature and the wet and rainy weather we're getting, divine.

Kori said...

Oh I love Autumn it's my absolute favorite season. Thanks for visiting my blog yesterday.

Shell said...

Thank you ladies all for stopping by. Glad everyone is getting ready for Autumn and is looking forward to it as well.

Lu said...

isn't that something else. I am noticing signs of it too.

Aubrey said...

What a great writer you are! I can't wait to read more of your blog.

Thanks for stopping by today to visit the great state of Colorado!

tea time and roses said...

Hello Shell!

Beautiful Autumn post! As you said, there is indeed beauty in all seasons. Enjoy your weekend! :o)



Wordless Wednesday: Crystals charging