Thursday, December 17, 2009

Holiday Love

Happy Thursday. Thank you all for sharing
what you dislike about the Holidays. It
was a blast reading your comments and knowing
it's not just me who feels like this.

Today, I will share what I love about
The Holiday season.

Here is a picture of me with Santa.
I am six years old here.(The picture
is a bit faded and scratched.)

Anyway, on to my list:

1) Eggnog. As soon as I see
eggnog in the stores. I am happy.
It's my favorite drink of the season.
(My apologies to the lactose intolerant.)

2) Reindeer. After I figured out
Santa doesn't exist, I was delighted
to find out Reindeer are real!!
Who cares if they don't fly. They
are really cool animals.

3) Holiday Lights and decorations.
I love to see them in homes,
windows, department stores, lobby's,
etc. Makes me smile all the time.
There is a famous house about
five minutes away from me that
has a big production of lights and
decorations. Simply fab.

4) Gifts. I ,of course, enjoy receiving
gifts. I do love giving gifts. I have
a knack for getting people exactly
what they want. Seeing their faces
light up is priceless. My secret is
to listen to people through out the
year on what they wish they had or love.
Then you know exactly what they want.

5) Rebirth and Redemption. This time
of year is perfect to make amends
for your past. Say sorry to those you have
hurt or even to yourself. Right old wrongs.
Give yourself a fresh new life.
Let go of your past. Rebuild and reawaken
discarded dreams.

Of course, spending time with beloved
family and friends is sweet right now.
Once again, please share your thoughts
on what you love about the Holidays. I
do enjoy reading all your comments.



Sarah said...

Lovely things to love Shell! I love lots of things about Christmas but my favourite is definitely the lights. I remember the feeling I got as a child looking at the lights and imagining a secret world in the branches of the tree. I think fairies figured heavily! I also love carols. I love singing so any excuse is great. I have had a Christmas CD on all week in the garden and been amusing(frightening?!) small children by singing loudly to them. I love cold weather-which we actually have at the moment-usually it seems to be mild at Christmas.
I love CHristmas day with our small family gathering. I llove Christmas dinner-mmm-especially the pudding!

Kalei's Best Friend said...

What I like about Xmas is what it brings out in people... The giving side of it... and the creativity they may show in the gift they give. It would be nice if that 'giving' feeling was more present during the year...I notice right after the holidays 'some' revert back to how they were prior to the holidays... The memories I have of past Xmases with people that are no longer here..December is so hard for a lot of people, it would be nice if December was as easy on folks as any other month of the year and that does not include April 15th which we all dread! lol

Laurel said...

Awe- Hi Sweet Shell- all such lovely moments to cherish. I took my little ones and SPencer out riving around to look at the lights -so much fun. One family near us hangs HUGE beachballs covered in lights across the street several times so that when you drive through it looks like HUGE ornaments hanging i the sky- so so oool. I bet you know what people want- your intuition is evident.
Happy Thursday Darlin'

Cindy said...

i love your list, one of the things I like the most is taking the time for each other and being with our families. I used to go and sing at senior homes doing carols. I may even restart this as they really do appreciate it. take care.

Don said...

rebirth, redemption ...those and other which mirror those sentiments are definitely what these particular holidays bring to the table. i love it, cause it gives me a chance to reflect upon the year and certain behaviors that i do not care to carry into the new year.

this post serves as a reminder so i appreciate your effort.

Elisa Day said...

I love this. I also love holiday lights. I take long walks and just look at all the beutiful lights.
I also make list in my head throuhg the year so I know excatly what people want.
And I love christmas trees.

Tristan Robin said...

I love all the things you love - and I also love classic Christmas films ... we have a regular scheduled tradition over the holidays that is not to be tampered with! We must watch "The Bishop's Wife" and "Christmas in Connecticut" on Christmas Eve. Then on Christmas night was must watch "A Christmas Carol" and "Holiday Inn" - then sometime before New Year's Eve we have to work in "Christmas Eve" and "Christmas Story."

Judy Hartman said...

Great choices of things to love! I like getting together with family and friends, the lights and decorations, and familiar holiday movies.
Haven't visited for a while - beautiful photo of you on your blog header!!!

tea time and roses said...

Hello Dear Shell!

I love your list of holiday loves!:o) I absolutely love Christmas, and look forward to celebrating each year! Twinkling lights, sugar cookies, handmade gifts, gathering with family, the music, snow...all of it!:o)

By the way I love the new photo, such a beautiful smile. Wishing you and yours the most beautiful Christmas ever!



Kathryn Costa said...

I'm with you, I love the lights. I love to see how people express themselves. Even if I think their display is tacky I still appreciate the effort. My son and I enjoy walking or driving around to tour the lights. I have a neighbor who goes to town. I'll be posting photos in a couple of days. I haven't stopped by to take pictures yet this year, but I can't wait. You'll be amazed!

Have a lovely weekend!
xoxo k

Anonymous said...

I thought I was the only one in the world who loved eggnog! Everyone I know says ewww!
I saw a live reindeer once in San Fransisco (of all places) during Christmas of course.
I love driving around looking at Christmas lights. We always pack up the kids with candy canes and a thermos of hot cocoa and off we go. Believe it or not they still enjoy this.
Baking cookies and watching the old Christmas movies are also high on my list. Especially The Bishop's Wife with Cary Grant.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

christina said...

I adore xmas! The lights, the excitement and the snow!!! Oh and holiday books, there are always plenty of holiday books.

May the 4th Be With You

 Today took a very exciting turn for me today. I did my May the 4th Be With You post for the day on my main page and in my stories. Here is ...