Thursday, May 14, 2009

Thursday and Book love

It is my favorite day: Thursday! Happy Thursday to all of you. I wanted to give a big hug to all who came to join in on the Haiku festival on Monday and all the love on my Haiku poems. I am most grateful.

As you can see I've changed the some things on my blog. It was only after posting the banner of me Then and Now ,did I realize in both pictures I am wearing pink and have a pink flower. Kind of cool how things just flow together without you realizing it.I do have to say a special thank you to Poetic Dreams. Her redoing my original banner sparked my imagination to be able to try my own hand at it. The picture of me is from coming back home from this Mother's Day. My mom and I went up to Harlem to Mobay's celebrate. The place is beautifully decorated in warm colors. They had a live singer singing jazz and gospel. The food was delicious.

I have been branching out doing more private Tutoring in Drama and English. It has been rewarding and hoping to create more tutoring opportunities for myself. If there isn't a job for you out there, make your own!! You will find people who need your particular talent and pay well for it.

Now, on to my book love. Let me first say, I hate acting books! They are boring and too formulaic for me. I discovered this gem of a book from the library. (A big cheer for libraries!) How not to act by Harold Guskin. I found a lot of what he wrote about illuminating and on point about the craft of acting. I highly recommend it to any actors out there or anyone interested in the process of acting. He has interviews with James Gandolfini, Bridget and Peter Fonda, Kevin Kline and my beloved Christopher Reeve about acting. This book along with Michael Caine's Acting on Film are my favorites.

The second book is Style Statement: Live by Your Own Design by Danielle LaPorte and Carrie McCarthy. This book took me about two weeks to go through it since you are given questions to think about and answer. The theme of the book is this: "This powerful two-word compass guides you to a life that reflects what’s true to you in every way, from your wisdom to your wardrobe, from your longings to your living room. A Style Statement fully expresses your soul."

Me, being an typical Aquarius, my Style Statement came from words different from the book. They encourage individuality, so I embraced it with my style Statement. Now if I went in alignment with the book I would be called Cherish Creative. I like these words but it didn't resonate with me enough. I picked two other words more attuned to me to be my Style Statement. At a later date, I'll share what those words are. I can feel the changes already beginning.

Wow, now that sure was a long post wasn't it? Hey I gave you two good books to read; and, wonderful place to eat at up in Harlem. I'll be back tomorrow with I'm sure a shorter post.

As always, Sweet Dreams to you all.


Sarah said...

Interesting! I love the new banner-funny about the similarities-well we don't change in some ways I suppose!
I am interested to find out what your statement will be.
I have not read or even seen the Michael Caine book but I have seen a documentary of him teaching what he knows about acting-a long time ago now but I found him convincing and fascinating and I love watching him.

Genie Sea said...

Style Statement is on my summer reading list! :)

The then and now photos...adorable! Then and Now! :)

Carolien said...

Love the new blog look...great photos!

Judy Hartman said...

Love your new banner, Shell!
I'm going to look for Style Statement in my library!

Cheryl Lynn Pastor Romance Author said...

Oh my, your new banner is incredibly cute and adorable. I love your "then" and "now." Fabulous that you did it on your own. I had soooo much fun doing mine, I can totally relate.

Love you, and have a great evening, my Love.

Anonymous said...

cute banner! I think I will add Style Statement to my reading list! Thanks for the recommendations.

gma said...

I don't get around to blog visiting when I got here able I read back over your recent posts.Love Haiku too!
Here is one for you:
Pretty in pink Shell
Synchronicity flowing
On your new banner

Lisa said...

That's a great banner and too cute about the dresses and flowers. I'm glad you and your mom had a great Mother's day!

Anonymous said...

Love your new banner. The pictures of you then and now are so cute! You are such an inspiration to me. Good luck with tudering- I bet you're wonderful at it.

May the 4th Be With You

 Today took a very exciting turn for me today. I did my May the 4th Be With You post for the day on my main page and in my stories. Here is ...