Thursday, May 25, 2023

46 years

 46 years ago, I sat in a theater in Manhattan with my mom, aunt, uncle and cousin. I had no idea what to expect. My 8 year old mind was blown away; so began my life long love of Star Wars. I found myself with a crush and hero worship of my new friend Luke Skywalker.

It has been an amazing ride to watch Star Wars evolve and grow over the decades. The original trilogy will always have a special place in my heart. Luke, Obi-Wan, Leia, Han,  Artoo, Threepio, Chewie and Vader will always feel like extended family to me. Happy 46th to Star Wars. May the Force be with us always.

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Happy Birthday David

  "Having all that - the fame and adulation and the women and all that stuff they talk about - doesn't make you happy. You have to ...