Friday, June 27, 2014

Moon Friday

Happy Friday and new moon in Cancer, my friends.

To celebrate the new moon:

* Get your feels on. Be as weepy, dramatic, romantic and moody as you want to be. Feel your feelings. Revel in them today.

* Take a trip to the sea this weekend.

* Take a relaxing bath with roses or your favorite flower thrown in. Don't forget the half of cup of Epsom salt.

* Dance and shimmy to music. Get your expression on thru your body.

* Start a long desired project that has been in your head. Yes, that one that flashed in your head just now.

* Indulge in delicious fruit or Chocolate.

Enjoy your weekend, my friends.



Dena Miller said...

Happy New Moon Shell!!!
Love the Beautiful picture you posted to express your heart♥

Victoria said...

So beautiful..and love that picture too....thanks for shining your mooon magic!

Jennifer Michelle said...

I'm in love with that picture. I just love mermaids they are so magical!

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