Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Bright Road

This is one of the reasons I like TCM. I get to find gems
like this. Last week, I saw Bright Road (1953) starring
Dorothy Dandridge and Harry Belafonte.

It's spans a year in the life of a new teacher named Jane
played by Dorothy and her class of 4th graders. It's a really
sweet and heartwarming film. It's notable for a lot of reasons.
It's an almost all black cast with a positive and affirming
view of life; also, this is Harry Belafonte's film debut as
The Principal.

Bright Road comes a year before Carmen Jones which would
make Dorothy a star and earn her an Oscar nomination for
Best Actress; Bright Road also shows glimpses of the chemistry
that Dorothy and Harry would blaze in Carmen Jones.

If it comes on TCM again or you can get a copy of it,
please watch Bright Road. You will truly be delighted.

Here is the trailer. Enjoy.



VintageSage said...

I've never heard of this movie! I will definitely have to check it out...I love this era anyway. :))

Tracy said...

You know, I don't think I've seen this one, actually not sure I've heard of it either! Thanks for the tip, Shell... I'm adding it to my must-see list! ;o) Happy Day ((HUGS))

Judy Hartman said...

Hi Shell,
I saw this movie some time ago and loved it!!
I must keep up with your blog, because I love old films and you know so much background on them!!
Also love your blog banner!!

Sarah said...

THis sounds like a great film-I will look out for it!

Wordless Wednesday: Crystals charging