Saturday, April 30, 2016

Poetry Month bids farewell...

Happy Saturday. I have totally fallen off the wagon for Poetry Month. Sigh. I do hope the poetry I did share you did enjoy. I encourage you all to take time to read poetry as much as you can. It is a balm for the soul to me and inspires my imagination.

Here are few of my poems. I like to write short, free form poetry.

Fluffy fast moving gray clouds
pale streaks of blue
hint of purple streaking through
twilight time

My Sweet

Sweet little boy
with warm hand
curly full hair
lean on my shoulder
feel the sweet love
between mommy and son

Lorrie and Joyce (for my aunts who passed away)
Clouds form in a shape
of an illuminated door
I see two little girls
hand in hand
they turn in unison
and look back
wave goodbye for now

Wishing you all a wonderful poetry filled Saturday. Come back tomorrow for May Day here.



Anonymous said...

Shell, what a lovely post.

Indeed, given how much busier I have been this year with both my professional Psychic Practice, and my side position of employment, I did not endeavor to engage in National Poetry Writing Month (or, NaPoWriMo, for short).

However, when I did, I do not recall writing an original poem, or transcribing a poem every day.

However, interestingly enough, I went to a "Mystics Open Mic Night" at Catland, a few weeks ago, and I not only wrote an original poem and a Haiku!

I look forward to going to it again, although the next one takes place during my vacation, but I digress.

Thank you for sharing your lovely poetry. I loved all three of the poems, but especially loved the ode for your aunts.

Sarah said...

Beautiful heart felt poems and a lovely photo!

Happy Birthday David

  "Having all that - the fame and adulation and the women and all that stuff they talk about - doesn't make you happy. You have to ...