Monday, June 15, 2015

Be Responsible for your own Energy

Happy Monday, my friends. Here is the deal. Whatever life brings your way, you are ultimately in charge of your energy. If someone upsets you or bring you bad news, it is fine to cry and be angry. Don't allow yourself to stay in that state for a long time. You don't have to give crap to others because someone crapped on you. Rise above it and be true to yourself. Be the light for others. Be the light for yourself.



Anonymous said...

Shell, this is a very important Re-Minder.

Indeed, there have been times when someone gave me gunk, but I certainly did not give gunk to someone else, just because I received it first.

And yes, crying or feeling anger is perfectly fine.

Thank you for this post. It truly made a difference.

Jennifer Michelle said...

Yesss preach those amazing words! Such truth Shell!

Joanna DeVoe said...

True! True! True! HAPPY SOLSTiCE, Lovely!!! -xo

Wordless Wednesday: Lava cake