Sunday, February 1, 2015


Happy February, my friends. We are half way through Winter and spring will be here in six weeks. With all the ice, snow, wind here ,it's hard to think of Spring. One day it will come, my friends. I will walk outside and be able to have my coat open, no gloves, no hat and breathe in the sweet spring air.

Depending on your faith, today and tomorrow, is Imbolc, Candlemas, or Groundhog day. Somehow to me they all celebrate the stirrings of spring that is starting now. Before you know it, you'll see tiny shoots of green sprouting. All the snow and ice gave the earth a good drinking, soon she will reveal all manner of delights in flowers, trees and new babies coming to life.

Right here in The Bronx, the weather says another round of snow. Today, I celebrate having made half way through Winter, my birthday and the sure knowledge Spring will be here soon.

Today and tomorrow, make merry my friends. Light beautiful candles, bake delicious food, read beautiful poetry out loud, adorn yourself with flowers and daydream about Spring.

Wishing you all a wonderful Sunday.


1 comment:

Judy Hartman said...

Was yesterday your birthday, Shell? If so, hope it was a happy one!! Lovely post about the promise of Spring!

Happy Birthday David

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