Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Introducing Miss Jet Beauty

My hubby, Sean, finally got us a cat!! I adore cats. I should add I like animals in general. They like me, as well. I'm not saying I'm a Doctor Doolittle but animals always respond nicely to me. Anyway, we have this little miss for about month. There is something for me having a cat makes a family complete. Jake adores her as well. This is the first time I have ever had a black cat. I think Mabel, my previous cat who is gone but not forgotten, would approve of her.

If you are considering getting a cat, please get a black cat. Because of the unfair stigma of them being unlucky, people tend to not adopt them as readily.

Have a Catastic day, my friends.


Saturday, January 24, 2015

January 24th!!!

Happy Saturday, my fellow dreamers.

Can you tell what today is for me?

Yes, today is my birthday!! I am 46 today. It is estimated you share your birthday with over 9 million people!! That boggles the mind doesn't it.

We had a seriously snowy day here in the Bronx. My family and I trooped out in the snow for fresh air, regardless. Tomorrow, I'm going out to extend the Birthday fun for an annual get together with another fellow January birthday friend.

In honor of my birthday, I send you my and dreams.

This is me at 5 and last year at 45 for the blog party.

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone. Happy Birthday to any fellow Aquarians reading this.


Thursday, January 22, 2015

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Aquarius Begins...

Happy Tuesday,my fellow dreamers. It is one of those cosmic days packed with celestial energy. It is the First New Moon of 2015, Aquarius and Mercury Retrograde begins today.

Let me say Happy Birthday to all my fellow Aquarians. My birthday is a few days away now.

Aquarius is frequently mistaken for a water sign. We bear the water vessel of emotions and dreams; also, We are creatures of Air:ideas, words, lyrics, poetry, imaginations. With our minds we can make our life beautiful or desolate depending on how we are feeling. We can soar in our ideas and manifest them ingenious ways. I for one, want to say, I'm not one of those oft quoted cold Aquarians who don't feel. Aquarians feel deeply. Some are better covering it up than others.

Being Air is our element, it can help us when we are feeling stressed, troubled and burdened.
* Go for a walk on a windy day. Let the wind take away all that stagnant energy.
* Listen to music.
* Write poetry.
* Write out your ideal day, month, home, job, etc.
* Carry out an often thought of idea and see it to it's end..
* Recite poetry/monologues or sing songs.
* Write out issues that are bothering you on a balloon. Go outside and let it go up in the sky.

Wear symbols of air in your hair and on your body: Musical notes, feathers, birds, butterflies, unicorns, dragons, clouds, balloons, bubbles, faeries etc

Stay light like Air, Aquarians. It is the best way to be.

Here is a great affirmation by Catherine Ponder that is perfect for New Moon energy. (Honestly, it is a great affirmation to use daily which I do.)

Have a wonderful day, my friends.
PS. Here's my thoughts on Mercury Retrograde.


Monday, January 19, 2015

Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Sometimes people forget that he was a man. A man who liked to feel the sun on his skin, spend time with his family and just be. I found these pictures via Black Glamour
from a June 1967 Ebony picture spread. These pictures were too beautiful not to share especially on this day.


Friday, January 16, 2015

Clear away Negativity Bath

Happy Friday, my friends. Weekly, I like to take a special bath to clear away all the extra energy and negativity that I may have encountered during the week. I do have Sensitive skin, this still works for me. As always, allow your intuition to guide you on what to use.

Warm to hot water
A handful of Rose petals
A handful of Chamomile
Two splashes of Rose water or Florida Water
A liberal sprinkling of Nutmeg

Throw all those goodies in the tub then come on in. I soak in that for about 3-5 minutes. Then let the water out and depending on how I feel put in a bit more nutmeg or flowers. Fill it back up
with the warm water and soak for as long as needed.

When I'm done, I come out feeling all fresh and new. As I would say, My chakras aligned and my energy clear.

Have a great weekend, my friends.
PS Nutmeg is great for good luck, prosperity, protection, clearing away old energy.


Friday, January 9, 2015

If Freedom was a Horse....

Personal Freedom is important to me. The room to be me and to go wild in my own way. The phrase if Freedom was a Horse came to me the other day.  The more responsibilities I have, I acknowledge the importance to carve out free time for myself.  I have done that more last year and continue to do so. Freedom is a well that nourishes me. Freedom doesn't mean running away to me. It means being able to express myself truthfully. You don't need to go somewhere to be free. Often times, you need to be more you in your own life.

Where do you need be more free in your life?

I'm wishing you all a wild freeing weekend.


Wednesday, January 7, 2015

A winter 's night

"Brew me a cup for a winter's night
for the wind howls loud and the furies fight
Spice it with love and stir with care
And I'll toast your bright eyes, my sweetheart fair"

- (don't know the original author of this, if you know please tell me in the comments.)


Sunday, January 4, 2015

Wolf Moon Rising

First Full Moon of 2015.  The watery Cancer energy is filling the air fueling all those resolutions, word of the year and plans for this new year.

This moon has many names but my favorite is Wolf Moon. Wolves and Cancer are both linked to The Moon. All my Cancer, sun and moon babies, this is your special Moon.

For all of us, It is a time to feel all your feelings. Yes, especially those feelings you hide in the attics of your mind. What you push down, will eventually bubble up to the surface.

Look at all those resolutions, word of the year and 2015 plans. What is it you wish to feel when you accomplish your goals? The feelings can guide you on how best to make 2015 shine for you.

One of my favorite ways to tune into Wolf Energy is when I need to feel protected and strong. I imagine two big beautiful Wolves walking with me on either side. Instantly, I feel stronger. I walk with a regal bearing. The energy of dont-mess-with-me radiates around me which is useful especially out at night.

There are so many ways to celebrate a Full Moon. As always, do what resonates with you.

Here is more Full Moon ideas here and here.

Wishing you all a Happy Full Moon.


Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year!

Hello my friends, welcome to this New Year of 2015.

It's amazing how you can wake up into a new year. As I get older, sometimes transitioning in a New Year can be bittersweet because of people who have passed on in my life. The old year claims them. That is how life is. We carry our family and friends in our hearts and memories as we continue on in this journey called Life.

I know people get psyched up about making resolutions. The truth is you can always start fresh everyday. Besides New Year's Day, you can also start fresh on these special days such as your Birthday, Season changings, New Moons, the first of the month. Don't feel restricted to making a ton of lists and goals for 2015. What I do is just reactivate those yearly goals that I didn't get to the last year into the new year. Look back at some of your old resolutions and goals, see which ones feel right for 2015. Trust me you'll feel it in your heart.

I do like to choose a word for the year. I can't remember who I got the idea from. It is genius. My word for 2015 is Wild.

It popped into my head one day as I was thinking what the word would be. At first, I was like is this right? Wild kept coming back to me. I know the movie Wild came out starring Reese Witherspoon, which I do want to see, but the word resonated with me deeply. Wild reminds me of a beautiful garden that is able to grow without restriction or any alterations. Grows as it sees fit. The dictionary definition of Wild is living in a state of nature and not ordinarily tame or domesticated.

I am open to see where Wild will take me this year. I can do with a little less tameness in my life.

I am wishing you all a wonderful, creative, blessed and Happy New Year. Yes, Happy Thursday too.


Happy Birthday David

  "Having all that - the fame and adulation and the women and all that stuff they talk about - doesn't make you happy. You have to ...