Thursday, January 30, 2014

Sparkly New Moon

Happy Thursday, my dreamy friends.

I had a great birthday last Friday. Thank you all for the birthday wishes.

Today is the New Moon in Aquarius. It is also the second new moon in one month. All that sparkly, zany and fun Aquarius energy is swirling and flitting in the air. What to do on a New Moon, you may ask?

If you are a regular reader, you have an idea of what I'm going to say. If you are new to Swan of Dreamers, here are some ideas to spark you.

* Write a New Moon check. Take a blank check and write in what you like to attract/manifest this month. Here is more info here.
* Take stock of what January has brought you, then plan what adventures you like to have in February.
* Make Valentine's Day plans now. Whether you are single, married or dating. It is a day of love that transcends romantic love. There are all kinds of love that can be and should be celebrated.
* Aquarius is the sign of originality. Think on what makes you original and share that part of you with people. I've often found it's the things that are the most eccentric or unusual that people seem to cherish in me. Wave that freak flag high!
* If nothing appeals to you on these ideas, follow your intuition on what to do. Break some inner rules and have fun, my friends.

Wishing you all a wonderful New Moon.


Friday, January 24, 2014

My Special Day

Many years ago today...on an cold wintry day.. the stars aligned, the cosmos sang and a baby was born. To be fair the stars aligns and the cosmos sing night and day when every baby is born. I do like to imagine the day may have been a bit brighter for me. Yes, that baby who was born is me!!

Come on, you have to toot your horn especially on your birthday! Toot.Toot.

Though it's still cold here, I'm going to go out and have a fun day. If you are an Aquarius too, I'm wishing you a Happy Birthday!! This is what I love for all of you who are reading this. In honor of my birthday, do one action that makes you heart smile today. That would make me the happiest. Have merry happy energy flowing everywhere today.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend. Here's a throwback picture of me when I was 5 and half.


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Dreamy Snowy Day

Happy Tuesday, my friends.

It is a perfectly snowy day here in The Bronx. The wind and snow whipping outside my window, while I have a lone red candle in a votive glowing. My late napping toddler will have to be wake up soon. I'm enjoying the quiet for now and letting my thoughts roam with all of you.

I love snowy days. Even if I have to trudge outside like I did earlier, I love walking in the clean snow. With the wind whipping my skirt around me and my nose getting red like rudolph, all I need is the cue of a romantic theme music rise up like in a movie.

The best part of a snowy day is coming inside to a warm home. I always make sure to have a sweet treat in the house to look forward to. Which goes to the decadent of chocolate chip cookie dough I make for days like this or a sweet energizing smoothie. Then hoping if I have time between Jacob, to watch the snow fall for a few moments outside and dream.

Do you like snowy days? What do you like to do on a Snowy day best? I love to hear.

P.S. One of my best buds, likes to visualize the snow is actually money falling from the sky. I love that idea!

2nd PS. My sweet energizing smoothie recipe
1 banana
1 apple (can also use peaches or strawberries. Or whatever your favorite fruit is.)
A big handful of fresh baby spinach (Or your favorite green vegetable)
A smattering of wheat germ
4 big spoonfuls of Vanilla low fat yogurt


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Water Kissed Full Moon

Happy Full Moon, my friends.

It is our first moon of 2014. Our year begins with the watery and moon kissed Cancer Full Moon. So for all my moon and sun sign Cancers this is your moon. I have been feeling melancholy as of late. Which fits a bit with the deep emotional energy of Cancer.

Enough about me. How does it feel for you? If you are a long time reader of Swan of Dreamers, you know I like to give tips on how to celebrate Full Moons. If you are a new here, just sit, relax and read. Full Moons for me are special times. It's as if the moon is singing a full chorus tune in a musical. The energy swells up I feel, to be used by everyone regardless of your religious background. The day before, the day of and the day after the Full Moon resonate with energy. Something to remember if you can't find the time to at least pause and gaze up at the moon wherever you are.

What to do on a Full Moon? Many things. I always advise following your intuition. Here is what you can do to swim, dive, surf, glide and shine in this watery Full Moon.

* Take a bath with roses: the actual flower or rosewater

* Burn blue, silver, or violet candles; wear colors in these shades too.

* Write down a list of all the people you wish to forgive including yourself.

* Take a moonlit walk on the beach

* Indulge in romantic movies.

* Set time aside to be alone without distraction. Sit, Breathe, Let Go of your thoughts. (As much as you can)

* Make a plan to do something of service this year to help others: donate, volunteer or create something to help others.

These are a few suggestions to do, my friends.

I wish you and yours a beautiful Full Moon.


Sunday, January 12, 2014

5 years...

There was a boy with sea green eyes and a loving heart.
Him and I dreamed of many things we would do.
I never dreamed, nor could he, that he leave so soon.
I remember him, as long as I have breathe, a part
of him remains with me
Death may appear to win, but love is eternal...


Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Hello, my fellow dreamers.

I'm doing my best to balance my social media time better to do get more creative things accomplished this year. Of course a lot of my time is spent with Jacob. Yes, I will be posting some new pictures of him soon. He is growing so big now. I want to ride that wild donkey a lot this year.

As I have been surfing in all these creative ideas, the word for the year came to me. I didn't think I have one this year, I was cool with that. I want to make sure this year to do things that really resonate with my spirit. Then it came to me and felt right.

My word for 2014 is Providence. It has an old fashioned sound to it. Most people rarely talk about Providence. I feel it is a beautiful word and concept. Here is what it means:

Providence - Divine guidance or care; The protective care of God or of Nature as a spiritual power.

A reminder that we are always cared and guided for. Whatever your spiritual background is, Providence is something that we can all remember and rely on especially when things in our lives get rocky.

Wishing you all a beautiful week. Everyone stay warm with this polar freeze we are experiencing all over the US.

P.S. Share with me your word of the year.


Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year's Moon

Happy New Year everyone! 2014 is officially here. Are you ready?

I know people go into a frenzy with resolutions or word for the year. You don't have to follow the crowd. Celebrate the first day of the New Year, the way you want to. That can be spending the day in your pajamas watching old movies. (That sounds heavenly by the way.) Having a day off from technology to read books, paint and write.

New Year's Day is not the only day of the year to make a fresh start. There are other times of the year that sparkle with extra energy.

Your birthday
The first day of Winter, Spring, Summer or Autumn
New Moon and/or Full Moons
The first of any month
A favorite holiday of yours
Feast day of a favorite saint or divinity.

This New Year's Day does happen to be extra special. It is a New Moon. I read this is the first time a new moon fell on the first day of the year. The new moon is in Capricorn.

Capricorn energy is all about earth energy. This encompasses food, money, business and your physical body. So tonight and tomorrow, ponder on one of the subjects. Which ever calls you to most. Make a plan or just dream of where you want to go with any of these.
You can...
make plans to learn more recipes,
eat healthier food,
write a business plan,
switch careers,
open up a 401k,
balance your checking account better
learn a new physical activity
make time to relearn meditating.

So many options for you my friends. What am I going to do tonight?

Going to take a nice long bath, watch my beautiful green candle glow for the new moon and dream.

Wishing you all a wonderful New Year.

P.S. I'm a proud affiliate of Leonie Dawson's Amazing Biz and Life Academy. Her 2014 Life and Biz workbooks are still available now. They have been and still are a wonderful resource of inspiration and action for me.

Happy Birthday David

  "Having all that - the fame and adulation and the women and all that stuff they talk about - doesn't make you happy. You have to ...